Questioning the fight. Asserting the Right to Question

These images are from Canboulay re-enactments in Trinidad during carnival. They depict an interpretation of the events that caused the masses to riot, caused a violent reaction from the British government, and ultimately led to African drumming, ceremonial and secular dancing, masking and stick fighting (what evolved into Trinidad carnival) being legally sanctioned during the two days before lent. Sometimes the only people who will fight, cause ruckus and disturb the peace are those downtrodden enough they have nothing to loose. However, sometimes once the fight is won there is an air of respectability, sanction, legality, brings a slew of other problems (like a new kind of exclusivity).

 Canboulay suggests a time existed when the fighting stood for something  beyond “senseless gang violence”, that people questioned/challenged authority and the status quo, spoke truth to power, demanded rights and freedom. It suggests that our party animal nature not all just  mas, costume, revelry, that the will to stand up for something exists in us.

I hope.

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