Kemar Vincent playing Sun God  from Junior Bisnath’s Kaisokah School of Arts

They represent the ancestors. I never get tired of seeing moko jumbies (as they’re called in Trinidad & Tobago). They’re an integral part of this African-influenced Trinbagonian festival. Apparently, Moko is traditionally known as a god in the Congo.

When I was a child the moko jumbies scared the living daylight out of me. One of my earliest carnival memories is being in Point Fortin, Trinidad for carnival with my great-aunt and crying, hiding behind her skirt as the moko jumbie came near. Now I see jumbies and for some reason it just stirs my spirit and captivates me. I hope you experience something that stirs your spirit and captivates you this weekend.



One thought on “Photo of the Week (10/52): Moko Jumbie”

  1. It is even better to see the young people involved now and portraying this lively art and continuing the heritage. Remember when we used to be afraid of that particular mass as children?

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